Hidden object is concealed in thumb palm. Visible object is at the tips of the fingers. The other fingers of the display hand form a cup. The palming hand approaches parallel to the plane created by the fingers.
The thumb and first finger pinch the visible object and as a result the concealed object falls into the cup created by the other hand’s fingers – the finger palm position.
The thumb contacts the coin on the far side – creating a pivot point.
The lower fingers close pivoting the coin around the pinch point.
The coin continues to spin until its fully at the finger tips. Start and end in the same hand posture.
The hand approaches the place where the object will be produced from. The coin is hidden by the Ramsay subtlety.
Producing from another location keeps the heat off of the concealment methodologically. Notice the hand doesn’t need to “go deep” to get the coin.
At the last possible moment the coin pivots out and the fingers withdraw bringing it into view.
Attention should always remain on the visible of the two coins.
The eyes go to where the next coin will soon appear. The hand with the visible coin goes to the pocket and pretends to drop the coin while actually thumb palming it.
The production occurs before the hand is removed from the pocket.
Eyes should be on the spectator during the acquitment.
Remember to shift to the audience before each production.